There is no parking on the front parking lot from 2:45pm until 7pm daily. This parking lot is used for marching band practice. Please move all cars by 2:45. Thank you.
Robotics Club will be meeting every Monday after school (until about 4pm) in T105. Feel free to join in if you are interested.
**Sportswear on Sale** PTSA will have sportswear for sale every Tuesday during lunch outside the cafeteria until Christmas break. Come see us!
The PRP Cheer team is selling discounted Nightmare Forest tickets now through October 26. They are $15 (or $20 at the door). See your favorite cheerleader or Mrs. Danzinger in room 217.
We will have our 8th Grade Open House on Tuesday, October 30th from 6:15 PM - 8:15 PM.
Tours will showcase our Academy programs, sports, clubs, and other activities at PRP HS.
### ATTENTION SENIORS#### There is a CLASS OF 2019 Google Classroom for INFO The access code is ccw4k6 If you have not joined you are missing out on a lot of info!! Please join
ALL KYA money is due by Nov 1st. The cost of the conference is $250, financial aid is available to those who applied before 10/12. The KYA conference will be 11-18 thru 11-20 at the Crowne Plaza and we will travel to Frankfort on the 19th.
**SENIORS** - If you have applied to or are planning to apply to a College or University, you must set up your Parchment account. Parchment is the way to send your transcripts and test scores to the schools of your choice. Please do not procrastinate. This could jeopardize your admission to the school you want to attend. See your Academy Counselor for an instruction sheet on how to set up Parchment if you have not already set up your account.
This is a reminder to the Juniors who have applied for GSP that your student profile page is due this Friday, Oct. 26th. If you plan on continuing with the application process, this must be turned in by this deadline.
There is a big School Dance on Friday, October 26th after the Central home game. Cost is $7 to get in the door. You must have an ID to enter. This is a Halloween themed dance. Come dressed for Halloween or just casual! If you want to bring a friend from another school, he/she MUST have an ID to enter as well. Come to the HalloJam and get Spooky!
Attention any student planning to take the December 8th ACT!!!! If you need transportation to the test on Saturday morning December 8th, please see Ms. Lewis in room 221 or email her to be put on that list. This service is available for anyone testing here at PRP."
FCA will meet in Room 324 at 7:15am every Friday
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