Balfour will be here tomorrow 10/4 during all lunches to take cap and gown orders. They are $45.00. If you did not get a packet last week they are in the main office.
The majorette team will be competing on Saturday @ 1pm. The event will be at Fern Creek High School. Admission is $15 in advance and $20 at the door. Please come out and support our team if you can.
There is no parking on the front parking lot from 2:45pm until 7pm daily. This parking lot is used for marching band practice. Please move all cars by 2:45. Thank you.
Robotics Club will be meeting every Monday after school (until about 4pm) in T105. Feel free to join in if you are interested.
Join KYA deadline for Financial Aid 9-20, Registrations deadline is 10-09! We meet every Thursday after school in room 316. Our conference dates are 11-18 thru 11-20. New members welcome!
The Future Business Leaders of America club is beginning for this school year! FBLA is the largest student organization in the US. Get involved with this elite club to gain leadership skills and community service hours. We are working on different activities now for the rest of the year. Get an application from any business teacher or graphics design teacher. Cost to join is $15. Deadline is October 15th to join. See Mrs. Fowler, Mrs. Powell or Mr. Fowler with questions.
**Sportswear on Sale** PTSA will have sportswear for sale every Tuesday during lunch outside the cafeteria until Christmas break. Come see us!
The PRP Cheer team is selling discounted Nightmare Forest tickets now through October 26. They are $15 (or $20 at the door). See your favorite cheerleader or Mrs. Danzinger in room 217.
Any SOPHOMORE or JUNIOR that wants to take the PSAT on October 10th must sign up with Mrs. Hockman in the main office by OCTOBER 8. The cost is $18 cash only. Juniors that are interested in the National Merit Scholarship Program, you MUST TAKE the PSAT. Any questions see your Academy Counselor.
Attention freshmen and sophomores: Kickball forms and money will be accepted through Thursday afternoon. Freshmen turn in to the office to Mrs. Willman or Mrs. Kessell, Sophomores turn in to Mrs. Fox in 315.
Interested in traveling to Costa Rica during the Summer of 2020? Go to this link ( to find out more information. Sign up by Friday October 5 to get the discounted rate. Please email Mr. Braun at for more information!
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