OCTOBER ACT TESTERS!!!!!!!! If you have not uploaded your photo for the October 22nd ACT you must do so by October 14th or you will not be allowed to test and they do not give refunds. See Ms. Baxter in the youth service center or Ms. Lewis in room 107 if you need assistance.
FACULTY and STUDENTS: Ridge News is doing a story on PRP Pets. We would like a picture of your pet........can be wearing a Halloween Costume but doesn't have to be. Email picture to: PRPRidgeNews@gmailcom Deadline is Friday, October 21st.
All girls who tried out for the Majorette team, please meet in the cafeteria during 5th period on Friday 10/14/16.
KYA information: Deadlines
1) Half of the payment is due by 10/20/16
2) Bill rough draft is due by 10/20/16
3) Final payment due by 11/10/16
KYA conference is 11/17 through 11/19 at Crowne Plaza
Any questions, please contact Mrs. Findley in room 301
STUDENTS YOU NEED TO KNOW: If you arrive at school by bus, TARC, car, or walking, you must IMMEDIATELY enter the school. Once you arrive on campus you are not allowed to leave the premises. If you do, this is considered a cut, and you're subject to additional disciplinary measures.
STUDENTS YOU NEED TO KNOW: Any student SUSPENDED from school OR accumulates more than 6 unexcused absences throughout a school year will not be allowed to attend Homecoming Activities, Junior Ring Dance or Senior Prom and activities.
Students that would like to take the PSAT on Oct 19 must sign up in the counseling office. Sign ups will begin on Sept 26. Cost is $18 CASH ONLY! This is the only qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship and is required for Governor's Scholars Program if you have not taken the ACT. See Mrs. Wilson for any questions.
China trip 2018 monthly payment change for students under 20 ($223/month - 19 payments); adults $246/ month. For details access eftours.com/1895485bc. Only 4 more positions available. For questions email me at marcela.lungu@jefferson.kyschools.us
**Attention Seniors**
The sign up sheet for the Morehead State University Campus Visit on 10/19, is now avaliable in the Counselors' Office. If you are wanting to attend you must APPLY for admission to Morehead State. This is a first come first serve opportunity, We have limited the number of spots on the bus to 40.
Attention students who are preparing an entry in the PTA Reflections Contest:
Your entries are due to Mrs. Wilhoit in E1 by October 17th! Remember, there will be $25.00 gift cards for 1st place school entries in all categories!!l
Juniors who are planning to audition for the 2017 Governor’s School for the Arts program: A representative will be here Friday, Oct. 14th during 5th per. in Mrs. Wilhoit’s room, E1. You are invited to attend this informative meeting with your teacher’s approval.
Trick or Treat at PRP is Thursday Oct. 27 from 5:30-7:30. Please donate one canned good per child to enter.
5th period candy collection will be Oct. 5-Oct. 21. We will collect candy on Friday Oct. 14 & Friday Oct. 21. The 5th period with the most bags of candy will win a special treat! Please remember we need around 1000+ bags of candy to make this event work! Thanks and Happy Halloween from the Student Council!
To Recieve Text alerts with information about FCA text @prpfca to 81010.
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