Wednesday, May 4, 2016
Wednesday 5/4/16
Students who wish to run for SENIOR Class officers can pick up packets from Mrs.Barnett in room 332 on Wednesday. We will have elections next week on the 11th so get your packets completed as soon as possible. Be prepared to give a speech on the day of elections to the class. Any questions see Mrs. Barnett, Mrs. Thomas or Mr. Cook.
Any Junior wanting to run for Class Office please pick up the application packet in room 332. The deadline to return them back to room 332 is May 10th. We will hold elections during a class meeting on Thursday May 12th during 2nd period in the old gym.
Just a Reminder: PARTICIPATION IN JUNIOR AND SENIOR ACTIVITIES- includes participation in homecoming activities, Junior Ring Dance and Senior Prom. Students who accumulates 7 or more unexcused absences throughout a school year will NOT be allowed to attend Junior or Senior Activities. THIS INCLUDES CUTS and TARDIES.
Unexcused Absences: -“Cuts”: 7 periods=1 unex abs. -TARDIES: 380 min of unex tardies=1Unex Abs. -Only 10 days of school due to illness will be excused with a parent note.
The Ping Pong Club meets every TUESDAY in the cafeteria from 3:00-4:00PM. All students are invited! See Ms. Kruse or Mrs. Hill for more information.
Attention juniors: You need to pay your library fines before you attend ring dance. Please see Ms. Reed or Ms. Frank, pay dues, and bring your receipt to Mrs. Barnett when you get your ticket.
BAKE SALE AND SNACK SHOP will be open from 2:20 2:50 every Monday and Wednesday in the front lobby. Home made brownies and cookies $1 Soft Drinks (bottles and cans) $1:25 & .75 Gatorade $1.25 Chips $1 Slim Jims 3 for $1"
Any student looking to complete service learning hours or a volunteer opportunity, the Greenwood Elementary Library needs PRP students to help pack up the library for school renovations. Help is needed April 26th through May 10th. You can show up at 2:30 any of those days and work for an hour or two. Questions? See Ms.Stewart
Graduation DVDs are on sale now!! Please bring $12 cash OR $12 Money Order to Tech Center to Mrs. Fowler in T203A to order your own DVD. This makes a great and inexpensive Graduation gift! "
Please see scholarship file in counseling office for the following: PRP PTSA Scholarship deadline has been extended to May 9th. Jefferson County Assistant Principals Association Education Scholarship Application due no later than May 17th.
Senior Scholarship form due to Ms. Williams on May 2nd. If you need another form, please see me. Don't forget to complete your Senior Survey!!! It must be completed to participate in senior activities. Remember to turn in your permission slip for all senior activities. It is due May 5th.
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