Teachers, please have your students take this SHORT survey for Ridge News. It is about favorite TV shows and the number of TV hours watched. THANKS!!
There will be a Junior Class meeting on Tuesday March 29th during second period in the Old Gym to discuss Ring Ceremony and Ring Dance. Just a Reminder: PARTICIPATION IN JUNIOR AND SENIOR ACTIVITIES- includes participation in homecoming activities, Junior Ring Dance and Senior Prom.
Students who accumulates 7 or more unexcused absences throughout a school year will NOT be allowed to attend Junior or Senior Activities. THIS INCLUDES CUTS and TARDIES.
Unexcused Absences:
-“Cuts”: 7 periods=1 unex abs.
-TARDIES: 380 min of unex tardies=1Unex Abs.
-Only 10 days of school due to illness will be excused with a parent note.
The Ping Pong Club meets every TUESDAY in the cafeteria from 3:00-4:00PM. All students are invited! See Ms. Kruse or Mrs. Hill for more information.
Tryouts for the 2016-17 PRP RedHots Dance Team will be held on April 18-20 from 4 to 6 p.m. each day. Each person trying out must have a completed physical form and a packet that can be picked up in the front office at PRP.
PRP's got Talent
Auditions: March 22, 24
Talent Show: Friday April 1st
Tickets $5.00 sold during lunches
It's time for the Kentucky Bluegrass Award drawing! Read any of the tend nominees and be entered to win a kindle fire! See Ms. Reed or Ms. Frank in the library for details.
Are you interested in traveling to London and Paris during the Summer of 2017? Come to an interest meeting on Tuesday March 29 at 6:30 in the Auditorium. See Mr. Braun with any questions.
SENIORS: Please let your parents know that the Paw Print will be putting out the Senior Issue in May, so it's time to start thinking about purchasing Senior Baby Ads! $35 for 1/4 page color ads.
Visit the Paw Print office in Room 317 during 7th period for more information!"
PRP RedHots Dance Team Tryouts will be held on April 18th, 19th, and 20th. The RedHots placed 2nd in the state this year and are a competitive team. To try out, you must complete a packet and have an up to date physical. Packets can be picked up in the front office.
The Dare to Care Food Bank will be serving free hot meals to anyone age 18 and under at the new Southwest Library, 9725 Dixie Highway on Mondays and Fridays from 3:30 - 4:30. No registration is required. Program ends on May 27.
If you love skateboards and you've always wanted to design your own, now you have the chance. The Southwest Library is having a 2 hour session on Saturday, April 2 from 2:30 - 4:30 in which local artists will introduce a special art technique for skateboard designs. Participants should be 9th graders.
Balfour will be here on Thursday March 31 for the final time to collect any remaining balances due on class rings.
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