On Monday August 31, Seniors who took Drape/Tux photos at registration will be receiving their proofs. Also students who did not come to registration will receive forms about scheduling their picture on Make Up Day (September 30, 2015). Please see Mr. Braun in room 104 or room 201 to schedule your picture. Preference goes to students who have not taken a photo yet. Students who have already taken photos must wait until September 7 to schedule a time.
Parents meeting for bowling will take place in the meeting room at Dixie Bowl on Wednesday September 16. The coaches will be there from 5-8 PM to answer questions, collect physical and permission/consent forms and insurance fees ($40). Money for the uniforms ($60) must be turned in by Wednesday September 2 in order to get the uniforms ordered and have them in time for the start of the season. At time of payment, we will need sizes and the numbers for the sleeve.
Class of 2018 t-shirts are still on sale. They are $15 and may be purchased before and after school in room 217 (Mrs. Danzinger). For any student that pre-ordered a sold out size at registration we should have those very soon (we apologize for the delay). I will personally deliver them to you classroom once they come in. More smalls and mediums were ordered and should also be here soon.
If you are interested to see Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii next summer come in the trip with us. Check the website /1661766wx for details and get in touch with me for more information
Please remember the sick note policy. A student has 3 days to turn in a sick note after returning from an absence. The note should include the students first and last name, date of absence and reason for absence. An absence will remain UNEXCUSED until a note is turned in.
Coming Soon! The 2016 Mr. and Miss Panther Calendar Contest is scheduled for Saturday night, September 19th from 6 - 8 p.m.! Create your own style and walk the stage in an outfit of your choice. Your outfit could be something formal, casual, sporty, business, or just for fun! 13 guys and 13 girls will be chosen and featured in the 2016 PRP Calendar. Grand Champions will be featured on the front cover of the calendar. Other winners will be given a month and will participate in a photo shoot before the calendar goes to print! Judges aren't looking for perfection, they are looking for style, poise and personality. There is a $20 entry fee to enter the contest. Entry Forms can be picked up in the front office or in the Student Service Center.
Come join the PRP FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) every Friday morning in room 324. You don't have to be an athlete or a christian to belong. Come join and have some donuts, milk and juice along with short devotion to start your day.
To receive FCA updates text 81010 on your phone and enter the message @37ec7
Sophomore students should sign up for Mrs. Wilson's See your English teacher for the text code!!
Mrs. Wilson to meet and greet Class of 2018 students in English Classes the week of Aug 31-Sept 4.
Our first PTSA board meeting will be held this Tuesday, September 1st at 7:00 pm in room 106. We will be introducing officers and discussing our upcoming events for September, including Open House on September 17th and Homecoming Parade and Football game on September 24th & 25th.
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