Do you know a graduating senior who is interested in Engineering? Math? CAD? Building structures or roadways? If so, we have an exceptional scholarship opportunity available! The Kentucky Transportation Cabinet offers two scholarship programs geared toward civil engineering. These scholarships provide money for college, paid summer employment while in school, and full-time employment after college graduation. This opportunity can’t be beat!! Applications are now being accepted and the deadline is March 1. Below you will find a brief description. More details and the applications can be found on our website at Please contact me if you have any questions.
The Civil Engineering Scholarship Program is for students interested in pursuing a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering at Western KY University, University of Louisville, or University of Kentucky. Students can also take classes at other Kentucky state colleges/universities, with approved programs, before transferring to WKU, UofL, or UK. Candidates must have an ACT composite score of 24 and maintain a GPA of 2.5 while in college. College Freshmen and Sophomores currently receive $5750 a semester to apply towards tuition, books, etc. Juniors and Seniors receive $6150 a semester. Students are expected to work for the Cabinet upon graduation for each year they received a stipend. This scholarship can be worth over $47,000!
The Civil Engineering Technology Program is for students interested in pursuing an associate’s degree in civil engineering technology at Big Sandy Community & Technical College in Prestonsburg and Blue Grass Community & Technical College in Lexington. (We are currently working on developments to expand this program to western Kentucky.) Candidates must meet the entrance qualifications for the college and maintain a GPA of 2.5. Students receive $2750 a semester, and are expected to work for the Cabinet upon graduation for each year they received a stipend.
*** See scholarship file for details.
Deadline to apply for both programs is March 1.
McDonald's Restaurants of Kentucky, 2.5-4.0, 500 word essay, one parent must be African American or Black Caribbean descent.
See Scholarship file for info
KHSAA Sweet 16 Scholarship Application is now available . See Scholarship file in counseling office. Deadline Feb 25th.
AXA Achievement Scholarship, visit
Deadline Feb 1 2015
Buick Scholarship for those interested in engineering, technology, design or business with and interest in the automotive industry. See scholarship file for more info. Deadline Feb 27
PRP Alumni Scholarship application is now available. Please see Scholarship file for app. Deadline is Feb 3rd.
PRP Alumni JCTC Scholarship application is now available. Please check scholarship file for info. Deadline is Feb 3.
Louisville National College Fair
Saturday Feb 21, 2-5pm, KY Exposition Center
"Seniors should double check with college websites on scholarship deadlines dates. Most deadlines are approaching. Don’t be left out and miss your scholarship opportunity!!
FAFSA-Free Application for Student Aid is available NOW!!! Seniors should complete ASAP!!! Remember this application is free. Do not pay to complete.
Got to
Uof L info--The deadline for scholarships and guaranteed entrance programs is Thursday, January 15. Students can apply here: The application for the University Honors Program is January 31, using the same application.
The housing application for fall 2015 freshmen will be available on Monday, January 12 at 12 p.m. Students can apply here:
Save the date for Cardinal OUT Look Day, a preview day to showcase UofL and the support services that exist for LGBT students on campus. The event will be Saturday, April 25 from 9:30 a.m. - 2 p.m. Learn more here:
Scholarship- Men of Principle Scholarship UK incoming freshman students. See scholarship file for info.
"Scholarship- Field of Education-Delta Kappa Gamma Society, see scholarship file.
The PRP Alumni Scholarships are now available. We have 4 year college applications and JCTC 2 year scholarships available. Please see file for application. Deadline is Feb 3rd.
Valley Women’s Club Scholarship is now available. Must live in 40272 zip code. See file for application.
Deadline is March 6
PRP’s Basketball Homecoming is Friday February 6 from 9pm-12am and this year’s theme is #homecoming (a PRP Panther theme).The cost is $8 per person and will be collected at the door.
Any student who has a date or friend that does not attend PRP must sign up their name and their date or friend's name prior to the dance. There is a sign up sheet out side room 211. Also, everyone, PRP students and non-PRP dates, must bring a picture ID to be admitted to the dance.
State Farm Good Neighbor Scholarship is available. See file for application details. Deadline is March 2, 2015.
Seniors- any senior going to Kentucky State please see Mrs. Wilson for scholarship opportunity. Deadline is Feb 1
Summer Job!!!???
We are looking for our 2015 Crew for the Youth Community Agriculture Program at the Food Literacy Project at Oxmoor Farm. We are looking for 16-19 year olds that are willing to learn and work as a team for 7 weeks this summer. I have attached the Job Description and application to this email. Please contact me if you have any questions about the program or the application process. I look forward to hearing from you. Have a great day. Kitty Nowak
**Please note 2 different applications must be completed:
· Must complete the Mayor’s Summer Works registration process no later than February 28th, 2015
· and click on the “Mayor’s SummerWorks” link
· We will have a booth at the Mayor’s Opportunity Showcase on Saturday, February 14th if they are interested in speaking to someone in person about the position. (You must register with SummerWorks to attend Showcase!)
· Applicants must complete the Food Literacy Project Application and send (9001 Limehouse Lane, Louisville, KY 40222), but electronic applications are accepted by email:
Check out a short video about the 2013 YCAP crew:
Seniors- State Farm Good Neighbor Scholarship, see file for details Deadline is March 2.
Seniors-UK Freshman Summer Program, enrichment, 6 hours , register for fall classes early. See file for details.
ACT Word of the Day 1/26-1/30
renunciation (noun)
Disownment; disavowal.
Steve giving up texting while driving was a renunciation of his past dangerous behavior behind the wheel.
compunction (noun)
Remorse for wrongdoing.
He was often described as heartless; he could take candy from a baby and show no compunction.
incontrovertible (adj)
Impossible to contradict or disprove.
Although the robbery looked like the doing of the renowned criminal, his alibi was incontrovertible: he was in jail when the crime was committed.
cursory (adj)
Performed rapidly without attention to details; hasty.
Unable to take the time to make a thorough examination, the mechanic gave the car a cursory inspection and then declared it road-worthy.
compunction (noun)
Remorse for wrongdoing.
He was often described as heartless; he could take candy from a baby and show no compunction.
BETA Club Service Opportunity: Teens for Jeans
Bring in your old or new jeans to Mrs. Walker Room 105 by Friday, Feb. 13 to receive service hours.
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