* Juniors!!!! Pick up PowderPuff forms from Ms. Miller or Mrs. Hawks. Money and forms are due on Thursday and will be collected starting at 7am. Girls are on Orange and Boys are on Purple.
* Seniors!! Pick up PowderPuff forms in Mr. Braun's room. Money and forms will be collected Thursday morning starting at 7am. Girls need the Pink form and boys will need the blue form!
* This week's theme for the Black Hole will be NEON Night. Come out to Manual to support our Panther Football team decked out in the brightest colors you can find. Remember to stay within proper dress code limits. Glow-in the dark Face Paint is encouraged!
* There will be a short meeting of the Black Hole on Wednesday, September 10th after school in Room 308 to elect officers.
* If you would like to receive information and updates about Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) text the message @37ec7 to 703-879-3579. The app may ask for your name. Just enter it and you will be included in texts regarding FCA Activities. Your name and phone number will not be visible in the mass text and will not be shared.
* Quick Recall will have practice Tuesday after school in Mr.Coady's room (T207) from 2:45 to 3:45. New members are still welcome!!
* Seniors interested in Bellarmine University... Early deadline for application Nov 1. Check out website. No fee and NO ESSAY !!!
* There will be NO YPA (Young Politicians of America) meeting until Friday 9-19 in room 306, due to scheduling. New members are still welcome to join. We will be decision local and national current events. The next meeting we will pick our T-shirt design, next Guest Speaker, field trip information, and snacks will be provided.
* There will be a very important meeting for boys in grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 intending on playing basketball this year on Tuesday, September 9 the last 20 minutes of 5th period with teachers permission in the cafeteria. Coach Mabrey will give out information on basketball physicals, basketball conditioning, and fund raising. We need new players for this season. Don't miss out. See you Tuesday. Players attending will be responsible to make up any missed assignments. Only attend if interested on playing basketball this year.
* Seniors, remember to check out college websites and applications. Apply ASAP !!!
* A representative from Upward Bound (University of Louisville) will be here on September 9, 2014 during lunch. Please stop by her table during your lunch to pick up information.
This program will help students with college experience, travel, assist with college application process and scholarships.
* Seniors: Drape and Tux Make Up Pictures are scheduled for September 10. Mr. Braun will be sending out reminders and scheduling appointments beginning September 2. See him in room 201 before school or during 5th period.
* Students interested in trying out for the 2014-15 Bowling team should be sure that they have picked up physical and form packets from Coach Nichelson's door, Room 116. These packets have additional forms that are not in the physical packets available in the office. All physicals and forms must be complete and ready to submit at the mandatory parent's meeting on September 25, 6:30 PM in the PRP Cafeteria.
* Senior Information Night will be Tuesday, Sept 23rd at PRP at 6:30. Colleges will be on hand to answer questions. Bring your parents for this important night!!
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