* BETA Club will be meeting on Thursday, August 28th at 2:30 in the new auditorium. This meeting is for anyone who was in the PRP BETA Club last year. Please plan to attend this brief meeting to find out new information for the upcoming year.
* All current LEEP members please have your 2014-2015 applications returned to Mrs. Baxter in the Student Service Center by this Friday, August 29th. If you have any questions please see Mrs. Baxter during your lunch.
* Senior Information Night will be Tuesday, Sept 23rd at PRP at 6:30. Colleges will be on hand to answer questions. Bring your parents for this important night!!
* The theme for Friday's home football game against Valley is Frozen. We will be having a White Out in honor of our Football team playing for the Snowman against Valley. Come decked out in all white or come dressed as your favorite character from Frozen! Join the Black Hole at 6:45 p.m. on Friday in the Student Section to get ready for the big game!
* Seniors, Mrs. Wilson will start senior info class visits on August 28-Sept 10. Meetings will be in your senior English class. If you do not have a senior English class, you will be given an alternate time and date to meet with Mrs. Wilson. Remember to take a look at the "Getting In" booklet that you received at registration for important information regarding applications, scholarships and college.
* There will a Black Hole Meeting on Wednesday, August 27th, 2014 in the New Gym from 2:30-3:00. We will be practicing cheers for this Friday's games as well as looking at designs for T-shirts. See Mr. Thrasher for more details in Room 308.
* Strength and conditioning will start for the 2014-2015 PRP Wrestling team on Monday September 8th!!. If you are interested in joining the team and or have any questions regarding wrestling. We will meet in the wrestling room located towards the back of the tech building at 3:00 pm Monday September 8th. Please bring a change of clothes to workout in, and a pair of running shoes.
* Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) will meet each Friday morning at 7:25. We are moving to Room 324 (Mr. Lightle's room) to accomodate the number of students attending. You do not have to be an athlete to attend. Come check us out. Donuts and juice are provided.
* The Graphic Arts Club will have an interest meeting on Wednesday, August 27 after school in Ms. Webb's room T112A. Anyone interested in joining or learning more about the club should attend this informational meeting.
* There will be a quick meeting Tuesday August 26th after school in Mr. Coady's room T207 for students interested in quick recall. If you are interested but cannot attend the meeting please see Mr. Coady or Ms. Anguiano.
* Reminder: Regular Co-op program students will meet 4th period Tuesday in room 328 with Coach White. This is mandatory. Please bring any un-turned in forms and your next weeks schedule to class.
* The military Club will be having its first call out with Mr. Baig and Mr. Harris on Tuesday, August 26th after school. The meeting will be held in Room T203A. Anyone interested in service, joining the military or just interested in all things military may come.
* Students interested in Bowling team for 2014-15 - Physical and Forms packets are on Coach Nichelson's door - Room 116. These forms must be completed and turned in with all signatures and notarization along with insurance and uniform fees at the Mandatory Parents Meeting on Thursday, September 25, 6:30-8PM in the cafeteria.
* Any senior interested in WKU Leadership & Volunteerism Conference on Sept 12 should see Mrs. Wilson before Sept 5. The deadline to register is Sept 5. Registration fee is $30.
* Any student who is interested in bowling for PRP this year should plan to participate in a mini league that will run at Dixie Bowl on Wednesdays after school. The league will run from Wednesday August 27 through Wednesday September 24. Cost is $7 per week for 3 games and shoe rental if needed. The parent's meeting prior to the season will be held sometime in mid September. Students intending to bowl should have physical s complete and forms ready to turn in at that meeting.
* Seniors!!! We have a new plan for the Senior trip! Trip will be October 3-5 to Cedar Point. Please bring your parent/guardian to an informational meeting on August 26 at 7pm in the Cafeteria and Mr. Braun and Ms. Keighley will give more info about plans and payment options. It'll be a fun weekend!!!
* If you are interested in joining the cast or crew of The Wizard of Oz, please plan on staying after on August 26 for an informational meeting. Meeting will be held in the Auditorium.
* Want to help organize and create events for our school and community? Join the Student Council! A Student Council interest meeting will be on Wednesday Sept. 3 in room 211 from 2:30-2:45. Our first meeting will be Wednesday Sept. 10 from 2:30-3:00 in room 211. See Mrs. Martin or Ms. Keighley for more information.
*The first National Honor Society Meeting of the 2014-2015 school year will occur on August 27, 2014 in the Seminar at 2:30. See Ms. Stover if you are have problems making the meeting.
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